Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Public Service Announcement

For those of you who were not aware, Mother's Day is right around the corner. I know it can be difficult to find the right gift, but I am here to help (so is Wikihow).

How to Find a Mother's Day Gift Without Paying a Lot of Money
Do you want to buy your mom a cool mother's day gift, but don't have the money to buy that $30 bouquet or that $50 makeup kit? Read this guide to help you!

You can make a really nice mother's day gift. Moms love it a lot. Maybe try to Create Perfume. Or, go to a nearby garden to pick some lovely flowers for your mom. (Please do not steal flowers from someones garden)
Make special coupons for like doing extra chores and special things. You will give your mom a nice, relaxing break from work! She'll feel really happy.
Pamper your mom! Give manicures and pedicures, facials, back rub, massages, and make a soothing bath.
You will want to make your mom happy. Don't act naughty or bad on her day or else you will give her the worst mothers day ever. (Slightly extreme)
Do all her work for her and make her do whatever she wants. Try to do things without being told. Serve your mom breakfast, cook dinner, set the table, clean the house etc. (good suggestion for wives too )

Moms love gifts you make. It shows love!
The more gifts to give her, the better!
Make her super happy and treat her super special like a "queen".

Don't make her mad or else she'll have the worst mothers day ever.
Do everything you are told or you will make her mad.
Don't rush on your gift. It'll only make her mad. Consider making a gift ahead of time.

Things You'll Need
A nice attitude
Ability to do things for her
A nice mother's day present

Those are some good suggestions, most of those are good for wives too (hint).
I must say that I do not need expensive presents (although I would not discourage it, if someone wanted to get me one). All I really want is to know that I am loved, appreciated and what I do is worthwhile. So something that expresses that sentiment (diamonds) would make a great gift (hint). Also I am a hopeless sentimental sap and I love when someone (hint) writes me poetry or records me songs.
I hope some of these HINTS will be helpful to you.


Jennifer said...

Better to me than any gift is time. My time is always jammed with housework, homeschooling, cooking, kid-taxi, and running errands. Even when I'm given a thoughtful gift like a manacure, I still have to schedule the time to go, which means finding someone to watch the kids (if hubby can't), and then I feel guilty because while I spend time getting my nails done (which look good for about 6 hours) all my other duties were piling up at home, and then I'm more stressed out than ever!

So, no manacure or massage appointments, please! I prefer gifts of time. Do the laundry for a week. Give the kids their bath and put them to bed for a few nights, make me dinner AND clean it up (or take me out),or babysit the kids one night so I can spend an evening out with a girl friend. Oh, a pair of cute earrings would be nice too! ;-)


Rebekah said...

Gosh, I hope Calvin's reading this!