Saturday, April 19, 2008

Misspellers Of The World Untie

I came across this sign while driving and I had to stop and take a picture. There were at least 3 of these along the road. I was quite intrigued. Zach and I tried to decide whether the yard they were selling from was bizarre, or the content of the sale was bizarre. I did not go to the sale to find out, but I am sure it would have been interesting. They will most likely fire their sign maker.
But that sign got me thinking about how I have an extreme hatred of intentional misspelling of words to look cool. I will boycott any product or store that uses those. I will not let my kids participate in any activity that calls itself a "kids klub" or "kids krew" or uses "kidz" in either of those instances. It very nearly makes me violent. I once even saw a sign for a store called "Klassy Kloset". If that is not one of the least classy things I have ever seen, I don't know what is. I know there are people who have a hard time with spelling, and that is okay, But adults who knowingly misspell and think its "klever" are I think, "mizlead." It hurts me to even type that in a joking way. When your 5 year old writes you a note that says " I luv you", that is cute, but past that, it isn't cute, or funny, or classy, or clever.
Really, adults ought to know better!


Chris said...


1. a marketplace or shopping quarter, esp. one in the Middle East.
2. a sale of miscellaneous contributed articles to benefit some charity, cause, organization, etc.
3. a store in which many kinds of goods are offered for sale; department store.

"kool beanz"-2 kool 2 b 4 gotn

Jennifer said...

The current tendency of some schools to allow the misspelling of words, and other wrong answers, in order to preserve the "self esteem" of the kidz.


Anonymous said...

High So-fee, intresteen storee.

I would'nt have known how to spell "bizaar" either!

I'm a pretty good speller, it's punctuation that I have problems with.

By the way, please tell me you purposely said untie instead of unite. Did I spell purposely right? -Patience

Chris said...


"King or emperor of a bizness. Such as.."He wuz the czar of show bizness"

Chris (I made that one up)

Anonymous said...

I can understand the store name. It is very possible that there is another store with the name, Classy Closet, so the letter K was substituted.

It is very hard to find unique store names. Particularly if you plan to do business on the internet as well.

But I agree with the rest.

s said...

I was not meaning to offend anyone, espcially anyone enterprising enough (whereas I am not) to start their own business. I can certainly understand the dilemma. Hope you come back anyway.