Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pictures of Vegas

This is THE Hotel

New York New York

Not sure what "religious nightlife" is

Apparently there are dieties of

adult beverages, her title is

"tequila goddess"

View from our hotel window

at sunset

Fountain show at the Bellagio

Billboard right before you enter the strip

Outside of our hotel "Treasure Island"
Inside atrium at the Bellagio

each piece is a handblown glass flower

Eiffel Tower

Inside the Venetian they have a sky that changes

with the outside sky

Gondolators gondolating

There is redemption in Vegas

This giant clown was a little scary

You may have noticed that all the daytime pictures were taken from a car window. It was too hot to walk around outside, except at night. Even at night it was still HOT but slightly less unbearable.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

But did you see Rusty or Danny or any of the rest of the 11/12/13?

Given the heat there, I'm pretty sure I would've spontaneously combusted. I'm so glad you two had fun, though!