I have come to realise that I am a cry baby! For a long time I have passed it off as just having overactive tear glands or something like that, but I think I just have to come to terms with it. I was reading a book the other day and I kind of sniffled my way through the first few chapters. By the 4th or 5th chapter I had to put the book down because I was literally sobbing. I felt like such a dork. I had to leave the room because the kids were looking at me like I was crazy; Corban even started to get a little freaked out. I had to make a trip to the grocery store after that so I wore my big sunglasses all through Kroger. I got some interesting looks.
But, if it was just this one book I wouldn't be so worried. It is everything these days. For the past year or so, Calvin and I have been reading through the Chronicles Of Narnia series. This is my 3rd time reading through them. Sure enough, each time in the Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe when Aslan dies, I cry. So, there I am trying to read it out loud to Calvin, trying to hold myself together; it's pathetic. There are also parts in each of the other books that give me trouble(generally having to do with Aslan). In my own defense, it is a very moving allegory! My problem really doesn't stop at books, though. There are many movies, even TV shows that cause the water to turn on. There are the human interest stories in the "news", and that really sad phone company commercial (okay, that one was a joke). I even cry when I laugh. I always have. It does not make sense. Just yesterday, a couple of friends had me laughing so much I was crying.
Other than the laughing problem, I do not think I have always been this much of an emotional wreck. I am pretty sure it got worse after I had Calvin, then worse yet when I had Corban. It really doesn't make sense.
So, if you see me in Kroger sometime with bloodshot eyes and a red face, wearing sunglasses inside, it probably means I was just reading a good book.
Christopher Griffith - Art
10 years ago
Hello Sophie,
since you explained that you have this teary time starting with the birth of Calvin and now after the birth of Corban again, I would think you have a hormonell imbalance.
On the other hand I have the same problem. I cry when I watch the "home Makeover show" cause I am so happy for those fa,ilies, and than I cry watching "intervention" on A&E, because I feel sorry for everyone in this show.
I cry when I laugh, I cry when I read, and watch tv, I cry always too. So what's my prob???
But I bet we are not alone in this....perhaps we should start a support group for compulsive criers also known as "CC".
What you think??
By the way I love the quotes from Calvin, they are S U P E R !!!
If you were reading the book I leant you, take heart! I cried through the entire book! Like you, I had to wait until the kids were in bed so they wouldn't see me! I cried all the way to Synod as I read the last few chapter! I also cry when I read books to the kids. I read one about a family during the "olden days" and cried when in the story one of the characters passes away from yellow fever! I cry at weddings (even of complete strangers), I cry at funerals (not too surprising), I cry over movies, news stories, just about anything! Mine too got worse once I had kids. I think our hearts are so softened when we have children that stories of human suffering or even joy touch us much more deeply! That's my theory anyway, and it sounds a lot better than hormones or insanity, so I'm stickin' to it!
Well, I would have to join that group, too. I am thinking that when asked to list a hobby, I am going to have to add crying as a hobby - pathetic.
I think it's a woman thing.
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