Friday, January 23, 2009

Incredible Pizza

I was playing with Corban this morning. He came up to me with his Incredible Hulk mask on. So naturally assuming he was playing Incredible Hulk I asked, "How are you, Incredible Hulk?" He looked at me incredulously and said, "I not redble ulk, I pizza man." So playing along I asked if I could please have some pizza. To which he replied, "I no have pizza, I have pop tarts."

I don't think I get this game! But I must admit, it is a welcome break from Star Wars. Both Calvin and Corban are entirely obsessed with Star Wars. It is the only thing they talk about. It is the only thing they play. From morning to night, it gets a little old. A few weeks ago we had been out really late. While driving home Calvin was almost asleep. He kept trying to tell me something about Star Wars. I wanted him to rest so I had to keep telling him he could tell me later. Well, the very first words out of his mouth the next morning were a continuation of what he had started the night before. So, apparently he thought about it all night. Corban is the same way, though. He will come into our room first thing in the morning listing all the Star Wars characters he knows, telling us who is a bad guy and who is a good guy. They also watch the movies constantly (which may be my fault). Calvin got the set of the first three movies for Christmas and has nearly worn them out. Every time I let them watch a movie, it is a given that they will pick Star Wars.

I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a phase and it will pass. In a couple of years I might miss the sound of my boys beating each other with foam light sabers. Perhaps I might be able to use some of this information for things like trivia.  For instance, I now know that the Millennium Falcon did the Kessel run in under 12 parsecs.

And there are always worse things that they could be obsessed with. I might have really lost my mind by now if they had become obsessed with Barney.


Jennifer said...

We get ALOT of Star Wars theater here as well! My suggestion is to take it as an opportunity to share the gospel with Calvin & Corbin. The classic good-versus-evil story of Star Wars is a great segway to discuss the good guys and bad guys in the story of redemption and the ultimate battle that was waged and won!

Chris said...

Just wait...Star Trek is coming out soon. "Live long and prosper..."