Thursday, October 9, 2008

Like Deja Vu, Only Better

You do not get many second chances in life. I am happy to say though this week, I did. About 8 years ago when Zach and I were living in Honolulu, we went to a Wynton Marsalis concert. By some crazy good luck we got seats in the 2nd row. You could almost feel the spit off his trumpet. It was fantastic. Unfortunately, I do not remember much more than that. I do remember he opened the show with the standard "Take the A Train." After that it is pretty much a blur. You see, I got a migraine. I did not want to leave the concert early. We paid good money for the tickets. Also I knew Zach had really been looking forward to it; I did not want to disappoint him. So, I spent the remainder of the evening closing my eyes, trying really hard not to cry or vomit. I succeeded in not vomiting, but I am sure I cried a little. As soon as the show was over we ran out of the arena and to the car. We ran into some acquaintances from Kauai, who I am sure thought we were terribly rude as we nearly ignored them.
So when we heard Wynton Marsalis was coming here to Roanoke, we could not pass up the chance to see him again. This time I was prepared though. I made sure that I carried medicine in my purse in case of any problems. Thankfully I did not have to use it. We enjoyed a fantastic concert, headache free! Our seats were not quite as good this time around, but it was good all the same.


Dan B. said...

I bet that was quite a concert. I have an album or two of his and he is spectacular.

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you got to enjoy the concert!!! The Marsalis brothers are amazing!